Tell me about yourself.
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Tell me about yourself (If Applicable).
Same Address as Buyer #1
Same Children as Buyer #1
Tell me about the home you want.
Property Type (check all acceptable types):
CondoTownhouseSingle Family HomeMulti Family
No, I'm not PreApproved for a Mortgage.Yes, I'm PreApproved for a Mortgage.
I'm just browsingI'm Looking to buy ImmediatelyI'm looking to buy in less than 6 monthsI'm looking to buy in less than 6 monthsI'm looking to buy in 6-12 monthsI'm looking to buy next year
I don't have a leaseMy Lease is Month to MonthI have a lease that is expiring
I don't have a home to sellI have a home to sell and It's on the MarketI have a home and its not on the Market
List your preferred neighborhood(s) or area(s)
List your preferred school district(s)
Yard Size / Type (check all that apply):
No yardCourtyard or small outdoor spaceSmall yardFenced yardUnder .5 acresUnder 1 acre1 - 5 acresOver 5 acres
Parking Type (check all that are acceptable):
On-StreetOff-StreetLeased Space in LotCarportGarage (1 car)Garage (2 car)Leased Space in Garage
Basement not RequiredBasement Required
Unfinished BasementFinished Basement
Preferred Age / Condition (check all that apply):
NewUnder 5 years oldOlder, but renovated Like NewMove-in ReadyFixer Upper - Cosmetic Repairs OnlyFixer Upper - Any Repairs
I'm not working with a RealtorI'm already working with a realtor